Current Year Tax Forms

Find the all state tax forms you need at Minnesota’s state revenue and tax website. It’s full of helpful information for businesses and individuals. Click here –> Minnesota’s Department of Revenue


Federal and state tax sites


Federal tax forms and information


Estate and trust links


Minnesota government agencies and programs



Form Links Description
A Cost of Pellets Produced
A (EW1) Pounds of Video Display Devices Sold to Households
A (G1A) Lawful Gambling Receipts and Expenses by Site
Revised 10/09
ABR Application for Business Registration
Revised 9/10
ACT Accelerated Cigarette Payment for June
Revised 5/09
AF109-A and instructions Commercial Airline Flight Property Annual Report (includes worksheets AF109-B, AF109-C, AF109-D)
Revised 6/06
AFF Affiliations for Combined Returns
AFT Accelerated Fee in Lieu of Settlement Payment for June
Revised 5/09
ALT Petition to Use Alternative Method of Allocation
Revised 9/09
AMTI Alternative Minimum Tax (Calculation of Income)
AMTT Alternative Minimum Tax (Calculation of Tax)
ARC150 Revenue Recapture Act Certification
Revised 8/08
ATT Accelerated Tobacco Payment for June
Revised 5/09
AWC Alternative Withholding Certificate. For individual nonresident partners and shareholders. Not for wage withholding.
Revised 8/06
B1 and B2 (EW1) CED Pounds from 11-County Metro Area and from Greater Minnesota
B2 Lawful Gambling Report of Barcoded Games
Revised 11/08
BANK Bank Authorization for Direct Debit
Barcode Label Sheet Barcode Label Sheet
Revised 11/08
C (EW1) Carryover of CED Pounds
C101 Minnesota Business Activity Questionnaire
Revised 7/03
C50 Notice of Business Transfer
Revised 3/07

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